Gikkuri Goshi (ぎっくり腰 - Acute Low Back Pain)

Dec 3, 2018 15:08
Gikkuri Goshi

Two days ago, I hurt my low back suddenly and could not stand for a while.

When you strain your low back suddenly, the symptom is commonly called 'gikkuri goshi' (ぎっくり腰) in Japanese.

'Gikkuri' (ぎっくり) is a term that describes that someone is surprised and upset, and 'goshi/koshi' (腰) means "low back."

Interestingly, it seems that this symptom is called "Hexenschuss" in Germany and "Colpo della strega" in Italy, both of which mean "witch's shot."

Incidentally, the official name is 'kyūsei youtsū shō' (急性腰痛症 - "acute low back"), but most Japanese people say 'gikkuri goshi'.



「ぎっくり」は驚き動揺するさまを表す言葉で、「腰」は "low back" を意味します。

興味深いことに、ドイツやイタリアではぎっくり腰が魔女の仕業だと考えられており、「魔女の一撃」(独: Hexenschuss, 伊: Colpo della strega) と呼んでいるそうです。

No. 1 Nandes
  • Two days ago, I hurt my low back suddenly and could not stand for a while.
  • Two days ago, a sudden pain in my lower back prevented me from standing up for a while.
  • When you strain your low back suddenly, the symptom is commonly called 'gikkuri goshi' (ぎっくり腰) in Japanese.
  • Such a sudden pain in your lower back is commonly called 'gikkuri goshi' (ぎっくり腰) in Japanese.
Thank you so much for the correction! :)
I found that an exercise called "crunch" is very effective in preventing bad back. The following is a typical instruction:
Wow, thank you so much for letting me know that! I will try it. :)
No. 2 メラメラ丸


だいぶ良くなりました。 :)