
Nov 18, 2015 11:10
When searching for something on Google, if the input contains typos or expressions that are not common, you will see the phrase "Did you mean: ○○."

However, only the word 'recursion' is different.

Although you enter the word correctly, "Did you mean: recursion" will be displayed.

Also, even if you click the link, the same phrase "Did you mean: recursion" will appear again.

"Recursion" is a word that means a reference to itself, and it is often used in programming.

That is, we are able to experience the recursion by searching for 'recursion' on Google.

Google で検索をするとき、入力したものにスペルミスや一般的でない表現が含まれると「もしかして: ○○」と表示されることがあります。


正しく入力しても、「もしかして: 再帰」と表示されてしまいます。

そしてそのリンクを踏んでも、再び「もしかして: 再帰」と表示されます。


私たちは、Google で「再帰」を検索することによって、自分自身への参照、すなわち「再帰」を体験できるというわけです。
No. 1 gyokuro
  • When searching for something on Google, if the input contains typos or expressions that are not common, you will see the phrase "Did you mean: ○○."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • However, only the word 'recursion' is different.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Although you enter the word correctly, "Did you mean: recursion" will be displayed.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Also, even if you click the link, the same phrase "Did you mean: recursion" will appear again.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Recursion" is a word that means a reference to itself, and it is often used in programming.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • That is, we are able to experience the recursion by searching for 'recursion' on Google.
  • In other words, we are able to experience the recursion by searching for 'recursion' on Google.

Perfect grammar! This looks totally native. Also, I think you could talk about how this is connected to Google's sense of humor. Since it is an IT company, there are many jokes that involve programming.

Try typing "do a barrel roll" in Google. This is also a nerdy joke :)

Thank you very much for correcting my post!
I'm glad to hear you say that. :)

> Try typing "do a barrel roll" in Google. This is also a nerdy joke :)
Haha, it's interesting. Indeed, there are many jokes of Google on the Internet. I sometimes play games on the front page of Google. By the way, today I found the interesting searching word "Zerg Rush."
No. 2 Timmy
  • When searching for something on Google, if the input contains typos or expressions that are not common, you will see the phrase "Did you mean: ○○."
  • When searching for something on Google, if the inputted words contains typos or expressions that are not common, you will see the phrase "Did you mean: ○○."

Interesting! I've heard that if you type "zerg rush" google o's will attack the search box))

Thank you very much always for correcting my post! :D
Haha, I think "zerg rush" is one of very interesting jokes of Google.
You're welcome!^_^

>Haha, I think "zerg rush" is one of very interesting jokes of Google.

That's for sure!^^