
Oct 19, 2015 13:57
Japanese people call "a fraud in a test" "カンニング(cunning)."

"カンニング" is derived from an English word "cunnning," but the meaning is different.

The meaning of "カンニング(cunning)" in Japan is actually "cheating " or "cribbing" in English.

The reason why the meaning changed is said that a student extended the meaning of "cunning," and started to use it as the meaning of "cheating" implicitly in Meiji Period.




No. 1 Nameless
  • Cunning
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Japanese people call "a fraud in a test" "カンニング(cunning)."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "カンニング" is derived from an English word "cunnning," but the meaning is different.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The meaning of "カンニング(cunning)" in Japan is actually "cheating " or "cribbing" in English.
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • The reason why the meaning changed is said that a student extended the meaning of "cunning," and started to use it as the meaning of "cheating" implicitly in Meiji Period.
  • The reason why the meaning changed is rumored to be because during the Meiji Period, students started spreading the meaning of the word "cunning", as a secret language.

    ここに、日本語で書いた事を読みました。僕にとて、「as a secret language」は正しい。それは学生達は「カンニング」の意味が使っていて、先生は詐欺が見つけられなかった為に。

  • The reason why the meaning changed is rumored to be because during the Meiji Period, students started spreading the meaning of the word "cunning", as a secret language.

    ここに、日本語で書いた事を読みました。僕にとて、「as a secret language」は正しい。それは学生達は「カンニング」の意味が使っていて、先生は詐欺が見つけられなかった為に。

Thank you very much for correcting my post! :D

"as a secret language" この英訳はすごく適切だと思います!ありがとうございます。(^-^)
どういたしまして、あの、あることを考えていました。「secret word」の方が良い、 一つ言葉だから、それとも、「as part of a secret language」も大丈夫だと思います。そのミスについて謝罪しています。すみません。
なるほど、確かに一つの単語だけなので「as a secret word」のほうが良いかもしれませんね。勉強になりました、ありがとうございます!謝る必要はありません。(^-^)