'歳' and '才'

Aug 12, 2015 09:11
Today, I'd like to introduce the Kanji, '歳(さい) and '才(さい).'

Both of them are often used in the sense of 'age,' for example, "20歳(20才)" means "twenty years old."

However, only '歳' is the precise kanji as the meaning of 'age.'

In fact, '才' means 'talent' of 'ability.'

A common point of these kanji was how to read it.

Since '才' is more easy to write, we got to use it as a abbreviation of '歳'.

However, '才' is just an abbreviation, so we should use '歳' in the formal situation.
No. 1 Oceansea
  • However, only '歳' is the precise kanji as the meaning of 'age.'
  • However, only '歳' is the precise kanji as to use for the meaning of 'age.'

    I might say:
    "However, it is only precise to use '歳' to mean "age."

  • In fact, '才' means 'talent' of 'ability.'
  • In fact, '才' means 'talent' of or 'ability.'
  • Since '才' is more easy to write, we got to use it as a abbreviation of '歳'.
  • Since '才' is more easy to write, we got get to use it as a abbreviation of '歳'.

    You can also say "easier."
    "easier" = "more easy"

  • However, '才' is just an abbreviation, so we should use '歳' in the formal situation.
  • However, '才' is just an abbreviation, so we should use '歳' in the formal situations.
Thank you very much for correcting my post! :D