"Itadakimasu" and "Gochisousama"

Apr 28, 2015 19:09
Almost Japanese people say "itadakimasu" before eating , and say "gochisousama" after eating with their hands close together.

"Itadakimasu" means that you will receive lives of animals or plants, and this phrase represents gratitude for great nature.

"Gochisousama" represents gratitude for people who prepared meals.

When these phrase are translated into English, "itadakimasu" will be "let's eat," and "gochisousama" will be "I'm full/satisfied," though, there are some differences between their nuances.

I think it is hard to translate greeting phrases or idiomatic expressions well.




これらの表現が英語に訳されるとき、「いただきます」は "lets's eat" に、「ごちそうさま」は "I'm full/satisfied" になりますが、ニュアンスは少し異なります。

No. 1 Vermilion
  • "Itadakimasu" and "Gochisousama"
  • "Itadakimasu" and "Gochisosama"
  • Almost Japanese people say "itadakimasu" before eating , and say "gochisousama" after eating with their hands close together.
  • Most Japanese people put their hands together and say "itadakimasu" before eating and "gochisosama" after eating.
  • "Gochisousama" represents gratitude for people who prepared meals.
  • "Gochisosama" represents gratitude for people who prepared meals.
  • When these phrase are translated into English, "itadakimasu" will be "let's eat," and "gochisousama" will be "I'm full/satisfied," though, there are some differences between their nuances.
  • When these phrases are translated into English, "itadakimasu" will be "let's eat," and "gochisosama" will be "I'm full/satisfied," however, there are some differences between their nuances.

Actually, I don't think we can translate these words into exactly the same meaning in other languages because they're our own cultural expressions.

It sounds like we want to try to translate a banana into Japanese.

Thank you so much for correcting my post! :)
I think you are right.

You're welcome!

日本の弁当文化が外国で受け入れられるようになりました。弁当を英語に訳すと、a boxed lunch となってしまうのですが、こう訳してしまうと、アメリカでは、たぶん紙箱に入った市販のものを連想されると思います。
ですので、日本の弁当は、アメリカの新聞で、Bento と紹介されていました。


Interesting! Thank you for letting me know. :)
Bento がそのままなこと、下敷きに相当する言葉が無いこと、知りませんでした。あまり気にしてきませんでしたが、私達もきっと、様々な国の文化に由来する様々な国の言葉を使っているのですね。そして少しネットで調べてみたのですが、英語になった日本語を知ると、なんだか少し嬉しい気持ちになりますね(except karoshi, hikikomori, etc.)。
調べてみると面白いですよね。tsunami, hibachi, kamikaze, などもありますね。
私は、ginkgo が面白いと思ったことがあります。


それから、hibachi は、今の日本の子供たちはそんな言葉を知らないかもしれないのに、アメリカの人たちは、使っているのは面白いですよね。ちょっと違う意味で使われているようですが。(笑)
I learned something new. :D
こちらこそ。Thank you so much for the nice talk. Good night!